For ALL, who are already ACTIVELY WORKING in our manifest world
offers from 3-6 November 2024
in the Black Forest
an extraordinary opportunity, an extraordinary retreat
through increased connecting and
use of the unseen worlds
to initiate, to bring forward and to integrate necessary CHANGES on earth easier and more effective,
to give new values
more EFFECTIVE POWER and REALITY in all areas of life.
With old knowledge
open up new paths and possibilities
for our CHILDREN
for our FUTURE
work out and practice actively and intensively new possibilities for and in this world.
Get in touch
Interview with TOROA about the retreat
There is an interview with Toroa about the new retreat :
TOROA Aperahama
Photo taken by Marijke Kodden
Mister Toroa Aperahama is a Maori elder who grew up in ancient tribal structures and was trained in the knowledge of his ancestors as wisdom keeper.
He is TEDtalk speaker, traditional Maori carver (Kaiwhakaiiro), traditional Maori storyteller (Manu Korero) and HAKA teacher (Kai Haka).
Toroas Gallery shows some of Toroa’s carvings.
Raised and educated according to traditional customs and values, he was chosen from birth to be a shadow man and recordkeeper, preserving the family and ancestral memory of his people.
He is a passionate supporter of the youth environmental movement and cares devotedly for people who are sometimes confused and lost on their life’s journey.
Cours of the retreat
The retreat will take place over three full days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
The retreat will be held in English with direct translation into German or English (and French).
Toroa talks to us about his culture and his understanding of our human existence here on Mother Earth, the World of Light.
Look forward to an extraordinary encounter with the unique personality of a Maori elder and amazing explanations about what holds our world together at its core.
TOROA is at the side of all participants with his kindness of heart and presence and always has an open ear for personal questions and concerns.
♦ Thursday evening from 19h to 21h (meet&greet with TOROA) facultative
On the eve of the retreat there will be a meet&greet with Toroa.
It is traditionally the first opportunity for the group to get to know each other and listen to Toroa’s introductions and stories.
♦ Friday u Saturday from 10h to 18h + Sunday from 10h to 17h (UNSEEN WORLD retreat with TOROA)
In the three workshop days Toroa brings us closer to the invisible dimensions and helps us to be in touch with them, to read and understand their signs and language AND to use them for us to make it easier for us to integrate new values here and to accelerate necessary change processes – to become more EFFECTIVE in this world.
This, of course, includes preparation and closing rituals.
It is amazing each time the ease with which the challenging program is mastered by all participants, as Toroa’s confidence and deep understanding as a teacher skillfully guides them through the learning process and builds in valuable breaks for sharing and processing.
The whole retreat will take place in a typical Maori atmosphere : warm & benevolent towards everything and everyone.
In this protected space, participants get the opportunity to open up, let go and surrender to themselves, the group and the exercises.
No prior knowledge is required or physical prerequisites to be met. On the contrary, through Toroa’s energetic work a healing field is held.
Additional Information
Price : retreat 380€
Supply fee 150€ for the entire retreat period
Ort : Hof LEO Gresgen 40, 79669 Zell im Wiesental
You can book rooms in the seminar house and get 10% reduction.
Contact & Registration
You still have a question ?
Then ask it here :
If you would like to register, please click here.
You will then be entered in our list of participants and will immediately receive further information.